The Year was 1989

U.S. pipeline shuts down operations after ransomware attack.

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Source: BleepingComputers

The Colonial Pipeline, fell victim to a cybersecurity attack on Friday that involved ransomware, forcing it to temporarily shut down.

Interestingly enough we all have heard about “Ransomware” in short this is “Cryptoviral Extortion”. There’s a misconception out there that ransomware is declining and becoming a threat of the past, this obviously is just not truth.

Here we are in 2021 and this is still an issue in which has grown to a much bigger problem and worse until now many Internet users do not even know the first thing about Ransomware. The first “ransomware” was delivered to thousands of people on FLOPPY DISKS and demanded that money be sent in the form of a cashier’s check or international money order to a P.O. box in Panama”  The Year was 1989……

Fast forward to today there are tools to ramp up your security and keep ransomware attackers at bay, here are the top recommendations to protect yourself:

First and foremost Educate yourself know what ransomware is and how to protect your system.

Keep up with Operating System patches and updates.


If you want to know more just ask, a system security plan costs a lot less than a ransomware payment.

It gets worse:

DarkSide Hackers Committed ‘Double Extortion,’ Stealing Data

Threaten to leak stolen data onto the Dark Web if ransom is not paid as well……….

Source:  DailyTruthReport