Samsung can remotely disable Your TV

Samsung says that it can disable any of its Samsung TV sets remotely using TV Block, a feature built into all television products sold worldwide.

This was revealed by the South Korean multinational in a press release issued earlier this month in response to the July South African riots that led to large-scale looting, which also impacted Samsung warehouses and stores.

“TV Block is a remote, security solution that detects if Samsung TV units have been unduly activated, and ensures that the television sets can only be used by the rightful owners with a valid proof of purchase,” Samsung said.

“The aim of the technology is to mitigate against the creation of secondary markets linked to the sale of illegal goods, both in South Africa and beyond its borders. This technology is already pre-loaded on all Samsung TV products.”

If they have this capability think of the other capabilities they might have embedded into their chip sets………..

Side Note: Think about this one if they can do this then whats to stop the Black Hat Community from doing so………….

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Source: BleepingComputers