Windows 12 Lite Don’t be fooled into this Distro Windows 10 look alike

First off Windows 12 Lite is a Linux Kernel Distro of Linux Lite 4.8 LTS.

Second ‘Windows 12 Lite’ is far from anything official and it won’t take long  before Microsoft drops a hammer of the GODS on it for potentially violating the trademark /copyright and does exactly what Microsoft did to “Lindows” back in the day who remembers Lindows? Linspire ring a bell perhaps? and remove it before users start downloading and  installing it.

Lindows History in Short Form

Brian Fagioli writes: About 16 years ago, a for-pay Linux distribution caused quite a stir all because of its name — Lindows. Yes, someone actually thought kicking the billion dollar hornets nest that is Microsoft by playing off of the “Windows” name was a good idea. To be honest, from a marketing perspective, it was brilliant — it got tons of free press. Microsoft eventually killed the Lindows name by use of money and the legal system, however. Ultimately, the Linux distro was renamed “Linspire.” Comically, there was a Lindows Insiders program way before Windows Insiders!

“Ultimately Squashed By none other than Microsoft”. Evidently the Giant saw the Distro as a very serious threat of course pulled out the Legal eagle team and called it copyright infringement.

Read his full excerpt here.

Even the website doesn’t look very complete and  is outright old school with old htm design and  after reading thoroughly portrays some shady information.

There is even a page hit counter on the bottom  left side of the website who uses those anymore?

Worse yet they are claiming the Operating System is impervious to Ransomeware?  Hook and Bait, 3 times faster than Windows 10 and not plagued by the same update and crashing issues that Windows 10 has been experiencing as of late. Of course Linux is faster by it’s true nature always has been always will be.

To top it all off you wont be able to install many of your current Windows based Programs and Software as you would normally do using Windows 10 or any past Windows platforms.

Here is a look at the site you be the judge.

Snap Shot of Windows Lite 12:

A look at Windows Lite 12

Bottom Line?

Don’t fall for this and I recommend you to use a genuine version of the operating system if you so chose to test drive it run and install in Virtual Box or Hyper-v.

Linux Lite LTS 4.8 Official Distro want it to look like Windows 10?  There is a free Distro Download of Linux Lite 4.8 LTS and an easy way to use the UnderCover Mode for Linux a package install to make the desktop look practically like windows 10. “NOT EXACT” There are  noticeable differences. Google is your friend at this point.

Linux Kernel is just that, Windows is still a Windows NT Kernel two very different animals in the OS world.