Microsoft releases a new Linux distro called CBL-Mariner

Microsoft releases a new Linux distro called CBL-Mariner.

Microsoft wasn’t a big supporter of open source back in the 2000s, but ever since Satya Nadella took charge as the CEO of the company, it’s become one of the biggest open source contributors in the world. Its commitments to open source are now more pronounced as Microsoft has released yet another Linux distro called CBL-Mariner under the open source MIT License.

In the CBL-Mariner repository on GitHub, Microsoft described it as “an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services.” In simple words, this is your server-side Linux and not a Linux desktop. So what this effectively means is that anyone that has some Linux skills can download and install CBL-Marine for their server and edge-based projects.

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Source: MSPowerUser