Meet Linuxfx Operating System

Meet Linuxfx Operating System AKA Code named “WindowsFX”

LinuxFx Build 2004 (codenamed “WindowsFx”) is a Brazilian-created Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 20.04. It uses the flexible Cinnamon Desktop, but novice Linux users would be hard-pressed to identify it; on the surface it’s truly a dead ringer for Windows 10.   Preview the main website.

If you have been pained or plagued with the frustration of Windows xxx in the past, Windows 10 patch updates for patch updates to patch a patch “enough”,  tired of the constant threats of Malware, Spyware, Viruses and or any other digital trickery to exploit your system and gain access to your data ever wondered is there no end to the lack of security, performance and reliability that Windows is plagued with?

Well yes there is an end to it all not saying Linux is the go to Operating system why because Linux is not everyone’s cup of tea however if you have heard of Linux took a sneak peak into this alternative Operating System and found it to be daunting in nature well that because in the past Linux used to be mainly Command Line based use however over the years great efforts and strives have been made to bring this Open Source Operating System into main stream for just about anyone to use and enjoy.

Down Side of Linux is this a Gamer is hard pressed to install many of the games they play however there are more ported games today than there were 20 years ago.

And for those out here who use MS Office products there is add-ons called Wine in which can be installed Wine is a windows environment Emulator in which you could install your MS Office products inside Linux under this environment without any hindering performance effects.

Overall if your interested in migrating to LinuxFx Build 2004 (codenamed “WindowsFx”) first review these videos below get an idea of what being offered and I highly suggest to seek other information sources online concerning the plethora of reason you might consider migrating to this platform simply put this way. Take a peak at the video below in this post covers everything you may want or need t know about Linux and LinuxFx.

My personal note for Linux Operating system: Did you know that MS is considering writing there own Linux based NT Kernel ? Give that one some thought for a moment if MS is considering changing their Kernel to a modified Linux Kernel well it goes without saying.  What is NT Kernel your thinking well in short?

Kernels – are the heart of the operating system

Anyone who uses technologies with an operating system is working with a kernel, though often without realizing it. The kernel organizes processes and data in every computer. It serves as the core of an operating system and the interface between software and hardware. This means that the kernel is in constant use and is a key component of an operating system.

The kernel not only serves as the core of the system but is also a program that controls all processor and memory access. It is responsible for the most important drivers and has direct access to the hardware. It’s the basis for interactions between hardware and software and manages their resources as efficiently as possible.

I forgot to mention there are no concerns with BUILT internal SPYING within the Operating system by the way unlike the MS OS….

I am am not entirely sure how the developer is getting away with this as in the past as I recall there was a prior attempt to capture windows user to seamlessly migrate to Linux Based OS integrate a look and feel of Windows including attempt in the same Plug and Play that Windows operation was and is using to maintain the ease of use for the user. I am also testing games installations drivers etc…. So remember to check the link in the knowledge base section for updated information on this subject matter.

Link: Meet Linuxfx Operating System AKA Code named “WindowsFX”

So without further delay I present an option for you all to consider, Note: I am testing and running this OS setup now for ease of use and operation I will update on a specific page in the Knowledge base section of the site.

I now support Remote Desktop Assistance for Linux just as I support Windows based systems. If your interested in migration let me know. Contact me for details

Linux ….. Because Security, Performance and Reliability Matters………..When it come to Security Performance and Reliability well Linux by far beats Windows any day of the week.



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