Investigation Finds That Democrats Are Operating 51 ‘Fake News’ Sites To Manipulate Midterm Elections

A shocking investigation by Axios published on Thursday found that Democrat operatives are running 51 ‘fake news’ websites under the guise of local news organizations.

The company running the sites, Local Report Inc. receives its content from The American Independent, an organization run by Democratic operatives and founded by David Brock, who is also the founder of Media Matters, a far-left pressure group that tries to ‘cancel’ Republican politicians and activists.

The organization’s websites pepper in politically biased stories with reports about the weather and local news, according to the Axios investigation.

The group claims that its mission is to bring ‘local, fact-based news’ back to cities across the country.

The Axios investigation found multiple instances of sloppy reporting, where hit pieces were written about Republican candidates who were not given a request for comment or a chance to respond.

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