Alert Fake Windows 10 updates infect you with Magniber ransomware

Fake Windows 10 updates are being used to distribute the Magniber ransomware in a massive campaign that started earlier this month.

Over the past few days, BleepingComputer has received a surge of requests for help regarding a ransomware infection targeting users worldwide.

While researching the campaign, we discovered a topic in our forums where readers report becoming infected by the Magniber ransomware after installing what is believed to be Windows 10 cumulative or security update.

– While it’s not 100% clear how the fake Windows 10 updates are being promoted, the downloads are distributed from fake warez and crack sites.

– Once installed, the ransomware will delete shadow volume copies and then encrypt files.

Mitgation: Only perform updates from inside your Windows Update&Security system management window under settings never click any link from email,or a website, or any popups.


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Source: BleepingComputer