Remote access scams

I was recently contacted by a new customer in the interest of privacy I will leave names out of the post.

Complaint: My desktop is appearing however I can not get anything to work as normal, no browser nothing is working as it should.

After investigating the issue I found his system Windows 10 was locked into Safe Mode with out networking.

After speaking with the client I am informed he had contacted “un named” company concerning an issue he was having with his system. The supposed technician over the phone walked him through setting up a remote session for the technician to log onto his computer remotely. The Technician did not set the reboot command properly for “with Networking” into safe mode this locked his desktop into safe mode without networking support therefore the technician could not log on remotely.

Well this failure was a good thing the technician or scammer did not know what he was doing and this saved the client from being possibly scammed in a bad way, this could have resulted in some very serious consequences if the scammer had gained access to his system remotely.

Many bad things can be programmed into windows very bad things can happen particularly key stroke logging which can lead to scammers accessing your financial accounts etc…..Or far worse.

So here are some basic rules to protect yourself from Remote Access Scams.

Protect yourself Never give an unsolicited caller remote access to your computer. Never give your personal, credit card or online account details over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted source.

If you receive a phone call out of the blue about your computer and remote access is requested – hang up – even if they mention a well-known company or brand of software.I certainly do not call you you call me.

Make sure your computer is protected with regularly updated anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a good firewall not Windows firewall either. Research first and only purchase software from a source that you know and trust.

If you have fallen victim to a scam or you receive a lot of unsolicited emails and phone calls consider changing your email address and phone numbers or just use your blocking numbers app that should be built into your phone Android and Iphone have this normally as a default service built into your phone / contacts list…

Information from the FTC Federal Trade Commission concerning Remote Access scams:

Tech support scams, they exist in many forms

If you have given remote access to your computer, or you fear that your computer has been compromised, seek help or advice from a reputable computer technician.

If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately.

If you think you have fallen victim to this scam you may contact me directly for an advisory consult or evaluation to ensure your system is not compromised.

Remember I never contact you, you contact me.