Holiday Online Shopping Security Tips

Holiday Online Shopping Security Tips

Beware of Fake Websites – Pages may contain misspelled links, images may be pixilated, the content will often be sub-standard, and website functions may not work correctly.  Before you clicking on any links, hover the cursor over the link, and make sure that it shows the real destination URL.


Use Secured Online Shopping Websites Only – Look for the padlock symbol in the address bar and ensure that the URL begins with ‘HTTPS://’ or ‘SHTTP://’ rather than ‘HTTP://.’ The ‘S’ indicates that the webpage has been encrypted and secured with an SSL certificate.


Be Cautious About Phishing Emails Emails are among the most popular ways for cybercriminals to gain access to your personal information and financial details. The malicious actors send phishing emails to trick you  into clicking a link that appears to be from a legitimate retailer. But these links take you to a scam site that can steal your login credentials, payment info, or even funds when you try to place an order through them. Rather than clicking email links, shop directly from the retailer’s website only.


Avoid Pop-ups and Ads – This needs no explanation, just don’t click through a pop-up for any reason avoid them completely.

Prefer Credit Cards – Use credit cards instead of debit cards for online shopping and security as the former offers additional protection. In the case you made any fraudulent purchase with your credit card, there is a good chance that your bank will reimburse you promptly versus Debit Cards must and normally go through a Banks investigative procedure before returning funds.

Use a Secured Network Connection – 1. always avoid open access Wifi Connections at all costs. Always ensure that you use a secure internet connection, either your phone’s cellular network or a private Wi-Fi connection, to browse the internet.

Tip: If you’re going to defy these rules then make sure your device is using a VPN pass through on open access un-secured connection access points.

Update Security Software – Phones updated to the latest firmware for those devices, Computers, Laptops, Tablets should always be updated to the latest patches before shopping online. This restricts cybercriminals from gaining access to your device through security vulnerabilities in older and outdated systems.

Monitor Bank Accounts – This needs no explanation.

Beware of Social Media Scams – Social media scams have become prevalent on during the holiday shopping season. Hackers use social media platforms, including Facebook,  Instagram, and Twitter, to put malicious posts, and entice online customers to like and share their posts and click notorious links.

Please be vigilant and proactive while shopping online this Holiday Season these simple tips and knowledge can help keep your personal information and finances safe.