Ukraine’s Systems Under Attack “No Surprise”

Active DDoS Attack and Data Wiper Malware hit Computers in Ukraine As per ESET, the new data wiper malware has targeted hundreds of computer systems in Ukraine, while in one case the malware infiltrated the Microsoft Active Directory server of the victim’s device. Ukraine is on the hit list of cybercriminals as two cybersecurity firms, … Read more

Everything you ever wanted to know about RANSOMWARE

Cyber Security News

Ransomware attacks can cause costly disruptions to operations and the loss of critical information and data. You can unknowingly download ransomware onto a computer by opening an email attachment… Ransomware has been a threat to businesses and individuals since the early 2000s. The best defense is a good offense…. First educate yourself here is a … Read more

The Year was 1989

Cyber Security News

U.S. pipeline shuts down operations after ransomware attack. Read Full Article Source: BleepingComputers The Colonial Pipeline, fell victim to a cybersecurity attack on Friday that involved ransomware, forcing it to temporarily shut down. Interestingly enough we all have heard about “Ransomware” in short this is “Cryptoviral Extortion”. There’s a misconception out there that ransomware is … Read more