New MortalKombat ransomware decryptor Released

New MortalKombat ransomware decryptor released recover your files for free. Cybersecurity company Bitdefender has released a free MortalKombat ransomware decryptor that victims can use to restore their files without paying a ransom. The release of a working decryptor for the particular strain comes very soon after its initial appearance in January 2023, when Cisco Talos reported that … Read more

Were you hit by the BianLian ransomware

Security software company Avast has released a free decryptor for the BianLian ransomware strain to help victims of the malware recover locked files without paying the hackers. The availability of a decryptor comes only about half a year after increased activity from BianLian ransomware over the summer of 2022, when the threat group breached multiple high-profile organizations. Avast’s decryption … Read more

Alert Fake Windows 10 updates infect you with Magniber ransomware

Fake Windows 10 updates are being used to distribute the Magniber ransomware in a massive campaign that started earlier this month. Over the past few days, BleepingComputer has received a surge of requests for help regarding a ransomware infection targeting users worldwide. While researching the campaign, we discovered a topic in our forums where readers report becoming … Read more