Computer Maintenance

Today, the use of computers is introduced in several trades to facilitate work, a situation that requires knowing how to keep your work tool in good condition for as long as possible.

As for a tool, a household appliance, or a car, it is necessary to do the regular maintenance of the computer to avoid breakdowns and various problems.

– Hardware maintenance with dust removal will prevent hardware failures due to overheating of components. “This includes Laptops as well90% of Laptop failures are due to overheating of internal components.

The software maintenance will aim to maintain the optimal performance of your computer, to close security vulnerabilities, and fix bugs.

Maintenance of your computer equipment, what does it consist of?

Computer maintenance refers to a set of actions or processes that aim to ensure the proper functioning of computer equipment. Highly technical, carrying out computer maintenance requires specific skills in this area. This is why in most cases, the use of a computer maintenance service provider is a necessity. Trained and competent, this type of provider knows better than anyone the importance of computer maintenance. He then makes sure to take all the measures that will allow him to accomplish his mission efficiently and without problems.

However with anything you do not have to be a highly skilled and technical guru to conduct preventative maintenance on your system, excluding laptops that laptop is not exactly the easiest to work on or conduct preventative maintenance on as they are not exactly designed for the everyday common user to open them up and clean them out by design the manufactures know you can’t or wont and when they fail well normally you just go out and buy another for a couple hundred or more dollars, this is how they stay in business making money.

And by the way I am just going to say this the guy that coined the phrase “Laptop” should have been shot in the head though his marketing scheme worked and everyone buys one but just think about this look at the image below this paragraph and think about this for a minute that tiny little air vent is all that is drawing cool air into that laptop and out through the side vent discharge port if it’s sitting on your thigh well how is there any air getting into your system to remove heat from the internal components, your thigh is blocking that inlet port nine out of ten designs.

Of course this one is a bit more gracious in design but take a good look at your laptop and see where your inlet port is located if its on your thigh well no air is being passed trough the system a your thigh is blocking the port. Suggestion is get a laptop cooler place it on your lap and put your laptop on your laptop cooler some even have built in fans to assist in cooling your laptop as well just plug in the usb cable to your laptop usb port. For more information see the Laptop Maintenance article for more information.

This is generally what it looks like on the inside. These components are very sensitive to heat.


Desktop PC Maintenance