Avoiding Laptop Buying Mistakes

15 Laptop BUYING MISTAKES! 2022 Laptop Buying Guide

Whether you are looking to purchase your very first laptop or just upgrading from a five-year-old model, the following list of points should help you navigate the mine-field that is the modern technology world. We point out some of the tricks manufacturers employ to get you to buy their products and share quite a few tips in a simple, easy to understand manner.

Now here me well on this tip when buying a laptop back in the early days I do not know what IDIOT decided to coin the PHRASE LAPTOP knowing full well “or maybe they just didn’t think about it or maybe they did and seen it as a marketing idea to make more money” if you set the laptop on your lap nine out of ten times your going to do damage to the hardware inside as you will end up covering up the air ventilation wholes and no heat will be removed from the unit this is a common and costly mistake…..

Heat is second on the list “Worst Enemy” to any electronic device or hardware.

First 7 worst mistakes made when buying a laptop.

#1 – Buying An Underpowered Device

You have to pay more to get more. This is one of the unspoken rules of life. It applies to laptops as much as it applies to anything else.
Getting an underpowered device is one of the worst compromises you can make.

#2 — Paying Too Much Attention To The Obvious Specs While Ignoring The Less Obvious Ones
In my experience, screen resolution is always among the first things people look for when scanning the price tag with their eyes: “Is it 1080p? Oh man. I want a 4K screen so much. I’d better look elsewhere then.”
The devil is in the details. This phrase is true as much as it is a cliché.

#3 — Buying A Laptop Simply Because It Looks Good
Humans are social creatures. Many things in our life revolve around social status. A laptop is one of the things that can help define and elevate your social status, so that is why many people judge a laptop by its appearance first and foremost. The thing is, this is hardly a good strategy.
Superior specs trump superior looks.

#4 – Getting A Laptop… When You Urgently Need One
You know your needs better than anyone else does. Yet meeting current needs is easy. Meeting future needs is what really matters.
4.1 Don’t ever Impulse buy when it comes to Laptops or even desktops for that matter.
Meeting future needs is what really matters here.

#5 — Aiming For Perfection
Making the perfect purchase is a very demanding endeavor to say the least. Generally speaking, aiming for perfection in life only brings misery, so sticking with the “good enough for me” strategy is your best bet. How many of us are married to our first crush? Well, it is no different with laptops.

Don’t be afraid of trial and error.

#6 — Not Protecting Your Investment

This one is easy. If you can get a nice silicon case for your electronic pet then we suggest you should. Importing one from China will take a few weeks, but it is absolutely worth it.

If you are planning on purchasing a pricey high end model, consider insuring it against being stolen or unintentionally damaged. This will increase the bill somewhat, but hey, your peace of mind is definitely worth the additional cost. While you are at it, you should also consider paying for a year of extra warranty. Doing this will increase the resale value of your device.

#7 — Buying A Laptop When A Desktop (Or An AIO) Is What You Really Need

There is something truly awesome, magnificent, and breathtaking about being able to take your files and your work with you anywhere. You have an advantage if you are neither tied to your house nor your office. Humans love it when they have an advantage, don’t they?

Only buy a laptop if you are 100% certain that you need one.