Read this before you click on that “free” computer security scan

With all the security threats out there, you might be tempted to click on a pop-up or ad for a “free” scan to keep your computer safe. Especially if you see a Windows logo. The problem? They’re impersonating well-known companies and scaring you into paying to fix computer problems that may not exist.

Lying about finding security threats on your computer — to sell you a service to repair your computer over the phone — is illegal. But that’s how the FTC says Reimage and Restoro convinced people — many of them older adults — to pay tens of millions of dollars for software and services to repair made-up problems.

The FTC says the companies charged people $27-$58 to “repair” the fake computer threats and warnings, but it didn’t end there. They often told customers that the problem couldn’t be fixed and then recommended services by a technician that cost $199 to $499 more.

To settle the lawsuit brought by the FTC, the company agreed to pay $26 million in refunds to affected customers.

To avoid tech support scams:

  • Know that legitimate tech companies won’t contact you by phone, email, or text message to tell you there’s a problem with your computer.
  • Never click a link or call a number in a pop-up warning. Honest tech companies won’t contact you unexpectedly and ask you to do that.

Read full article here

Source: FTC

Remember I  don’t call you nor will you ever find a popup on this website, You called me I  never call you. if you need support Contact me.

Security, Performance, Reliability Matters